Shale Oil

US Shale Future Looks Bright: Rise in Production Efficiency, Growth in Lea County, and Innovations in Methane Conversion
The US shale industry is entering a promising phase marked by rising production efficiency, significant growth in key regions like Lea County, and groundbreaking innovations in methane conversion.
September 01, 2024
 ExxonMobil to Divest Permian Assets Amid Strategic Shift to Shale Growth
US energy major is set to divest a collection of conventional oil assets in the Permian Basin, with the sale potentially generating around $1B.
September 01, 2024
US shale oil production boost expected in 2025; Bakken faces critical challenges.
Shale oil output is expected to rise in 2025 with significant implications for global markets considering the ban on Russian oil by the West, and sanctions against Iran and Venezuela, and ongoing OPEC+ production cut.
August 25, 2024
US shale M&A activity hits new heights as production surges and permian focus shifts.
In recent months, the US oil and gas sector has experienced a surge in merger and acquisition activity, with the potential to surpass last year’s figures.
August 18, 2024
Shale efficiency and consolidation impacts on the global oil market.
Recent developments in the US shale sector reveal a dynamic shift towards enhanced efficiency and consolidation, with significant implications for the global oil market.
August 11, 2024
Permian developments: OXY’s deal, XOM’s output surge, and GS’s growth decline forecast.
Occidental Petroleum has finalized its acquisition of CrownRock LP for approximately $12.4B, surpassing the initial estimated price.
August 03, 2024
Changing tide: US shale deals pivot to lesser-known basins.
In response to skyrocketing valuations and the best drilling locations being already claimed in the Permian Basin, buyers are now shifting their focus to less prominent shale basins.
July 14, 2024
Shale industry at a crossroads: efficiency gains, M&A, and production outlook.
The US shale oil industry experienced a notable surge in production during 2023, driven by efficiency gains despite declining well productivity and rising costs.
June 29, 2024
Four more years: US shale growth, challenges, and strategic shifts.
HSBC analysts predict that US shale oil production will continue its growth trajectory for the next 3-4 years, culminating in a peak around 2028.
June 23, 2024
Evolving strategies in the US shale sector.
The US shale sector is witnessing dynamic shifts in strategy among major companies, driven by recent waves of mergers, acquisitions (M&A), and impending asset sales totaling nearly $200B.
June 16, 2024
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