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Consider sponsoring our 5th Opportunity Crudes Conference to maximize your company's visibility with sponsorship options. Click here to view the Sponsorship Options.

As crude producers slash oil prices and compete for market share, refiners around the world search for bargains, step up spot purchases, and blend different types of crudes together. The rewards are there, but increased blending poses challenges for many refiners. The challenges go beyond crude-refinery mismatch as "improper" blending to make look-alike crudes will create feed stocks with dumbbell qualities. Also, other resultant properties could lead to equipment failures, catalyst under-performance, unit shutdowns, and even safety problems leading to poor profits. Therefore, the upcoming conference is timely and exciting, from both an attendee's and sponsor's perspective. We expect it will attract a huge audience and can benefit your company for several reasons.

Target-rich environment. Lingering low crude prices continue to help refiners, who make up most of our attendees. So, your company would have unique access to refining professionals as they are eager to come to the conference to learn the experiences, business insights, and technology expertise from our high-caliber speakers.

Inquisitive audience. Similarly, the conference presents an excellent platform to demonstrate your products and services face-to-face with our attendees, who are ready to learn and find out new technologies to benefit their operations and improve profits.

Beat out the competition. Your sponsorship and exhibition will help your company stand out in a crowded industry as your presence enables you to open new business opportunities and keep in touch with current clients at this celebrated meeting. Over 94.5% of attendees in the previous four Opportunity Crudes Conferences rated their overall experience as good or excellent. 96% of the attendees at the 4th meeting in 2014 said they will be attending the next conference and over 95% will recommend to their colleagues.

Constant and extra exposure. Your branding will be seen by many through our on-going promotion of the conference via electronic and print advertisement. Also, this upcoming event is scheduled to be the same week as the Crude Oil Quality Association's (www.coqa-inc.org) fall meeting and ASTM's crude oil training course to be taught by Mr. Harry Giles, both in Houston, to take advantage of our synergy in serving the oil industry. Sponsorship makes your marketing dollars go a long way.

If you have any questions about the sponsorship, please contact Matt Wunder by phone (1-610-408-0116, US) or send an email to sponsor2016@opportunitycrudes.com. Thank you for considering sponsoring this event.

Sponsorship Options

  Gold Silver Bronze Giveaway Exhibitor
  $8,500 $6,500 $4,500 $2,500 $1,500
Number of sponsors 2 4 5 2 -
Display/exhibit area at the conference
Sponsorship recognition on the inside front cover of the conference brochure
Logo included in conference promotions
Logo listed on conference website with link to your website
Premium advertising placement on www.opportunitycrudes.com for three months after the conference  √  √    
Premium advertising placement on www.opportunitycrudes.com for two months after the conference  
Full-page, color advertisement in the conference brochure      
Half-page, color advertisement in the conference brochure      
Distribution of promotional material to all attendees (promotional material provided by sponsor)    
Logo on conference bag or other item        
Announcement and company logo/information prominently displayed onscreen during a luncheon and a reception        
Announcements recognizing company sponsorship for one coffee/tea break during the workshop and regular conference sessions    √      
Top banner advertisement of the conference website        
Side tower advertisement of the conference website      
Two free conference registrations        
One free conference registration      


Online Sponsor Signup Form here.

Gold Sponsors:

Silver Sponsors:

Bronze Sponsors:


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